





研究方向: 复杂能源系统建模优化、分析和评价,综合能源系统规划工具开发,新型能源转换技术性能分析与参数优化,能源动力系统性能和排放测试、模拟与评价。


2022.02 - 至今,厦门大学,能源学院,助理教授

2017.09 - 2021.12,厦门大学,能源学院,博士

2014.03 - 2016.09,厦门大学,物理与机电工程学院,硕士

2010.07 - 2017.09,厦门环境保护机动车污染控制技术中心,项目工程师/试验室主管/项目经理

2006.09 - 2010.06,华中师范大学,物理科学与技术学院,学士







(1) Huang Y., Kang J., Liu L., Zhong X., Lin J., Xie S., Meng C., Zeng Y., Shah N., Brandon N., Zhao Y.* hierarchical coupled optimization approach for dynamic simulation of building thermal environment and integrated planning of energy systems with supply and demand synergy. Energy Conversion and Management, 2022,258(15):115497.

(2) Li L., Lin J., Wu N., Xie S., Meng C., Zheng Y., Wang X., Zhao Y.*. Review and outlook on the international renewable energy development. Energy and Built Environment, 2022,3(1):139-157.

(3) Lin J., Xie S., Jiang C., Sun Y., Chen J., Zhao Y.*. Maximum power and corresponding efficiency of an irreversible blue heat engine for harnessing waste heat and salinity gradient energy. SCIENCE CHINA-Technological Sciences, 2022,65(3):646-656.

(4) Li L., Wang J., Zhong X., Lin J., Wu N., Zhang Z., Meng C., Wang X., Shah N., Brandon N., Xie S.*, Zhao Y.*. Combined multi-objective optimization and agent-based modeling for a 100% renewable island energy system considering power-to-gas technology and extreme weather conditions. Applied Energy, 2022,308(15):118376.

(5) Lin J., Wu N., Li L., Xie M., Xie S., Wang X., Brandon N., Sun Y., Chen J., Zhao Y.*. Performance and parameter optimization of a capacitive salinity/heat engine for harvesting salinity difference energy and low grade heat. Renewable Energy, 2022,183:283-293.

(6) Lin J., Zhong X., Wang J., Huang Y., Bai X., Wang X., Shah N., Xie S., Zhao Y.*. Relative optimization potential: A novel perspective to address trade-off challenges in urban energy system planning. Applied Energy, 2021,304:117741.

(7) Liao T.*, Lin J., Tao C., Lin B.*. Exploiting the waste heat in graphene-based thermionic energy converter by means of thermophotovoltaic cell. Renewable Energy, 2020,162:1715-1722.

(8) Wu N., Zhan X., Zhu X., Zhang Z., Lin J., Xie S., Meng C., Cao L., Wang X., Shah N., Zheng X., Zhao Y.*. Analysis of biomass polygeneration integrated energy system based on a mixed-integer nonlinear programming optimization method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020,271:122761.

(9) Jing R., Kuriyan K., Lin J., Shah N., Zhao Y.*. Quantifying the contribution of individual technologies in integrated urban energy systems – A system value approach. Applied Energy, 2020,266:114859.

(10) Zhang Z., Jing R., Lin J., Wang X., van Dam K., Wang M., Meng C., Xie S., Zhao Y.*. Combining agent-based residential demand modeling with design optimization for integrated energy systems planning and operation. Applied Energy, 2020,263:114623.

(11) Zhu X., Zhan X., Liang H., Zheng X., Qiu Y., Lin J., Chen J., Meng C., Zhao Y.*. The optimal design and operation strategy of renewable energy-CCHP coupled system applied in five building objects. Renewable Energy, 2020,146:2700-2715.

(12) Peng W., Cai L., Lin J., Zhao Y.*, Chen J.*. The optimal operation states and parametric choice strategies of a DCFC-AMTEC coupling system with high efficiency. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019,195:360-366.

(13) Lin J., Zhang Z., Zhu X., Meng C., Li N., Chen J., Zhao Y.*. Performance evaluation and parametric optimization strategy of a thermocapacitive heat engine to harvest low-grade heat. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019,184:40-47.

(14) Yang Z., Lin J., Zhang H., Lin B.*, Lin G.*. A New Direct Coupling Method for Photovoltaic Module-PEM Electrolyzer Stack for Hydrogen Production. Fuel Cells, 2018,18(4):543-550.

(15) Yang Z., Zhang Y., Dong Q., Lin J., Lin G., Chen J.*. Maximum power output and parametric choice criteria of a thermophotovoltaic cell driven by automobile exhaust. Renewable Energy, 2018,121:28-35.

(16) Zhang X., Peng W., Lin J., Chen X.*, Chen J.. Parametric design criteria of an updated thermoradiative cell operating at optimal states. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017,122(17):174505.

(17) Pan, Y., Huang, C., Lin, J., Su, S.*, Chen, J.. Digital control of low-frequency, small-wattage, high-intensity discharge lamps. Lighting Research & Technology, 2016,48(7): 832-843.

(18) Pan, Y., Lin, J., Su, S.*, Shih, T-M.*. A high-frequency half-bridge driving circuit topology for HID lamps. Lighting Research & Technology, 2016,48(6):771-779.

(19) 林健, 杨智敏, 林比宏*, 黄志福. 光子增强热离子发射太阳能电池混合功率系统参数的优化设计. 中国科学:技术科学, 2016,46(03):225-234.

(20) Liao, T.*, Lin, J.. Optimum performance characteristics of a solar-driven Stirling heat engine system. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015,97:20-25.

(21) Liao, T., Lin, J., Su, G., Lin, B., Chen, J.*. Optimum design of a nanoscale spin-Seebeck power device. Nanoscale, 2015,7(17)7920-7926.

(22) Lin J., Liao T.*, Lin B.. Performance analysis and load matching of a photovoltaic–thermoelectric hybrid system, Energy Conversion and Management, 2015,105:891-899.

(23) 廖天军,林比宏*,林健,杨智敏. 染料敏化电池-温差热电混合发电系统的性能研究.中国科学:技术科学, 2014,44(09):917-925.
