研究方向: 多相催化、电催化
2019.12至今 能源学院 副教授
8/2016-11/2019 Purdue University 材料工程系,博士后
01/2013-05/2016 University of Alberta 材料化工系,工学博士, 加拿大
09/2009-07/2012 厦门大学 化学系 理学硕士
09/2005-07/2009 厦门大学 化学系 理学学士
Postdoc Travel Grant award, Purdue University, USA, 2018
China scholarship council full-funded Scholarship, Canada, 2013-2016
Mitacs Globalink Research Award, Canada, 2015
Electrochemical Society Travel Grant Award, USA, 2015
Canadian Material Science Conference Travel Award, Canada, 2015
University of Alberta FGSR Graduate Travel Awards, Canada, 2015
University of Alberta GSA Academic Travel Awards, Canada, 2015
[1] Lina Tang+, Yanling Yang+, Hongquan Guo, Yue Wang, Mengjie Wang, Zuoqing Liu, Guangming Yang, Xianzhu Fu, Yang Luo, Chenxing Jiang, Yingru Zhao, Zongping Shao, Yifei Sun, High Configuration Entropy Activated Lattice Oxygen for O2 Formation on Perovskite Electrocatalyst, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2022 doi:10.1002/adfm.202112157.
[2] Yanling Yang, Jianhui Li, Yifei Sun*, The metal/oxide heterointerface delivered by solidbased exsolution strategy: A Review, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 135868
[3] Zhang Li, Yanling Yang, Jinshu Tian, Jianhui Li, Gui Chen, Liujiang Zhou, Yifei Sun*,Yongfu Qiu*,Selective Photocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to Syngas Over Tunable Metal‐Perovskite Interface,ChemSusChem, 2022, e202102729
[4] Lina Tang, Tingting Fan, Zhou Chen, Jianling Tian, Hongquan Guo, Meilan Peng, Fan Zuo,Xianzhu Fu, Meng Li, Yunfei Bu, Yang Luo, Jianhui Li, Yifei Sun*, Binary-dopant promoted lattice oxygen participation in OER on cobaltate electrocatalyst, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 417, 129324
[5] Zhishan Li, Meilan Peng, Yingru Zhao, Jianhui Li, Yifei Sun*; Minimized thermal expansion mismatch of cobalt-based perovskite air electrodes for solid oxide cells;Nanoscale, 2021, 13(47), 20299-20308
[6] Hongquan Guo, Jijie Huang, Hua Zhou, Fan Zuo, Yifeng Jiang, Kelvin HL Zhang, Xianzhu Fu, Yunfei Bu, Wei Cheng, Yifei Sun*;Unusual Role of Point Defects in Perovskite Nickelate Electrocatalysts, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13 (21), 24887-24895
[7] Sun, Yifei#; Wang, Qi#; Park, Tae Joon#; Gage, Thomas Edward; Zhang,Zhen; Wang, Xuejing; Zhang, Di; Sun, Xing; He, Jiazhi; Zhou, Hua; Lim, DawGen; Huang, Chengzi; Yu, Haoming; Chen, Xuegang; Wang, Haiyan; Mei, Jianguo;Deguns, Eric; Ramanathan, Shriram*; Electrochromic Properties of PerovskiteNdNiO3 Thin Films for Smart Windows, ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 2021
[8] Meilan Peng; Jijie Huang; Yinlong Zhu; Hua Zhou; Zhiwei Hu; Yi-KaiLiao; Yu-Hong Lai; Chien-Te Chen; Ying-Hao Chu; Kelvin H. L. Zhang; XianzhuFu; Fan Zuo; Jianhui Li; Yifei Sun*; Structural Anisotropy Determining theOxygen Evolution Mechanism of Strongly Correlated Perovskite NickelateElectrocatalyst, ACS Sustainable Chemistry \$ Engineering, 2021, 9(11): 4262-4270
[9] Zhishan Li#; Lin Cui#; jingli Luo; Jianhui Li; Yifei Sun*; PerovskiteChromite With In-Situ Assembled Ni-Co Nano-Alloys: A Potential BifunctionalElectrode Catalyst for Solid Oxide Cells, Frontiers in Chemistry, 2021, 8(1):0-595608
[10] Lina Tang#; Tingting Fan#; Zhou Chen; Jianling Tian; Hongquan Guo;Meilan Peng; Fan Zuo; Xianzhu Fu; Meng Li; Yunfei Bu; Yang Luo*; Jianhui Li*; Yifei Sun*; Binary-dopant promoted lattice oxygen participation in OER oncobaltate electrocatalyst, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 417(0): 129324
[11] Sun, Yifei#*; Anderson, Adam#; Nguyen, Tran N. H.#; Cheng, Xi; Gage,Thomas E.; Lim, Jongcheon; Zhang, Zhan; Zhou, Hua; Rodolakis, Fanny; Zhang,Zhen; Arslan, Ilke; Ramanathan, Shriram; Lee, Hyowon*; Chubykin, Alexander A.*;In Vivo Glutamate Sensing inside the Mouse Brain with Perovskite Nickelate–Nafion Heterostructures, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(22): 0-24564–24574
[12] Zhou Chen#; Bin Hua#; Xin Zhang#; Lifang Chen; Ya-Qian Zhang; GuangmingYang; Gang Wan; Hua Zhou; Yanling Yang; Jian Chen; Hongqiang Fan; Qian Li;Meng Li; Jianhui Li*; Wei Zhou; Zongping Shao; Jing-Li Luo; Yifei Sun*; OrganicPhotochemistry-Assisted Nanoparticle Segregation on Perovskites, Cell ReportsPhysical Science, 2020, 1(11): 0-100243
[13] Y.F Sun*, S. Ramanathan, Tunable catalysis via insulator–metal transition, Nature Catalysis, 2020, 3,609-610
[14] L. Tang, Z. Chen, F. Zuo, B. Hua, H. Zhou, M. Li, J.H Li, Y.F Sun*, Enhancing perovskite electrocatalysis through synergistic functionalization of B-site cation for efficient water splitting, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 126082
[15] L. Tang, Z. Chen, G. Chen, F. Zuo, B. Hua, L.Z Zhang, J.-H Li, Y.F Sun*, CaH2-assisted structural engineering of porous defective graphitic carbon nitride (g-C3N4) for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen evolution, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2020.05.044
[16] Y.-F. Sun*, M. Kotiuga*, D. Lim, B. Narayanan, M. Cherukara, Z. Zhang, Y.Q. Dong, R.H Kou, C.-J Sun, Q.Y. Lu, I. Waluyo, A. Hunt, H. Tanaka, A. N. Hattori, S. Gamage, Y. Abate, V. G. Pol, H. Zhou, S. KRS Sankaranarayana, B. Yildiz, K. M. Rabe, S. Ramanathan. Strongly correlated perovskite lithium ion shuttles, PNAS, 2018, 115, 9672-9677
[17] Y.-F. Sun, Y-L. Yang, J.Chen, M.Li, B. Hua*, J.-H. Li, J.-L.Luo*, Toward a rational photocatalyst design a new formation strategy of co-catalyst, Chem. Commun., 2018, 54, 1505-1508
[18] Y.-F. Sun*, K.V.L.V. Narayanachari*, C.H. Wan, X. Sun, H.Y. Wang, K.A.Cooley, S.E. Mohney, D. White, A. Duwel, M.A. Kats, S. Ramanathan, Thermally tunable VO2-SiO2 nanocomposite thin-film capacitors, J. App. Phys., 2018, DOI: 10.1063/1.5011641
[19] Y.-F. Sun, Y.-Q.Zhang, Y-L.Yang, J.Chen, B. Hua*, Y.-X Shi, C-A.Wang, J.-L.Luo*, Smart tuning of 3D ordered electrocatalysts for enhanced oxygen reduction reaction, App Catal B-Environ, 219 (2017) 640.
[20] Y.-F. Sun, Y.-Q.Zhang, J.Chen, J.-H. Li, Y.Zhu, Y.Zeng, B.S.Amirkhiz, J.Li, B. Hua*, J.-L.Luo*, New Opportunity for in Situ Exsolution of Metallic Nanoparticles on perovskite parent, Nano Lett, 2016, 16, 5303.
[21] Y.-F. Sun, J.-H. Li, Y.-Q.Zhang, B. Hua*, J.-L.Luo*, Bifunctional Catalyst of Core−Shell Nanoparticles Socketed on Oxygen-Deficient Layered Perovskite for Soot Combustion: In Situ Observation of Synergistic Dual Active Sites, ACS Catal, 2016, 6, 2710.
[22] B. Hua, M.Li, Y.-Q.Zhang, J.Chen, Y.-F.Sun*, N.Yan*,J.Li, J.-L.Luo*, Facile Synthesis of Highly Active and Robust Ni−Mo Bimetallic Electrocatalyst for Hydrocarbon Oxidation in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells, ACS Energy Lett, 2016, 1, 225.
[23] Y.-F. Sun, Y.-Y.Wu, Y.-Q.Zhang, J.-H. Li, Y.Luo, Y.Shi, B. Hua*, J.-L.Luo*, A bifunctional solid oxide electrolysis cell for simultaneous CO2 utilization and synthesis gas production Chem Comm, 2016, 52, 13687.
[24] Y.-F.Sun, Y.-Q.Zhang, B.Hua, Y.Behnamian, J.Li, S.-H.Cui, J.-H. Li*, J.-L.Luo*, Molybdenum doped Pr0.5Ba0.5MnO3-d (Mo-PBMO) double perovskite as a potential solid oxide fuel cell anode material, J. Power Sources, 2016, 301, 237.
[25] M. Kotiuga, Z. Zhang, J. Li, F. Rodolakis, H. Zhou, R. Sutarto, F. He, Q. Wang, Y. Sun, Y. Wang, N. A. Aghamiri, S. B. Hancock, L. P. Rokhinson, D. P. Landau, Y. Abate, J. W. Freeland, R. Comin, S. Ramanathan, K. M. Rabe, Carrier localization in perovskite nickelates from oxygen vacancies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 201910490 (2019)10.1073/pnas.1910490116).
[26] Z. Zhang, D. Schwanz, B. Narayanan, M. Kotiuga, J. A Dura, M. Cherukara, H. Zhou, J. W. Freeland, J. R. Li, R. Sutarto, F. Z. He, C. Z. Wu, J. X. Zhu, Y. F. Sun, K. Ramadoss, S. S. Nonnenmann, N. F. Yu, R. Comin, K. M. Rabe, S. K. R. S. Sankaranarayanan, and S. Ramanathan, Perovskite nickelates as electric-field sensors in salt water, Nature, 2017, 553, 68–72
[27] B. Hua, M. Li, Y.-F. Sun, J.-H. Li*, J.-L.Luo*, ChemSusChem, Enhancing Perovskite Electrocatalysis of Solid Oxide Cells, 2017, 10, 3333–3341
[28] B. Hua, Y.-F. Sun, M. Li, N. Yan, J Chen, Y.-Q. Zhang, Y, Zeng, B.S. Amirkhiz, J.-L. Luo*,Stabilizing Double Perovskite for Effective Bifunctional Oxygen Electrocatalysis in Alkaline Conditions, Chem. Mater., 2017, 29 (15), pp 6228.
[29] B. Hua, M. Li, Y.-F. Sun, Y.-Q. Zhang, N. Yan, J. Chen, T.Thundat, J.Li, J.-L.Luo*, A coupling for success: Controlled growth of Co/CoOx nanoshoots on perovskite mesoporous nanofibres as high-performance trifunctional electrocatalysts in alkaline condition, Nano Energy, 2017, 32, 247.
[30] B. Hua, M. Li, Y.-F. Sun, Y.-Q. Zhang, N. Yan, J. Li, T. Etsell, P. Sarkar, J.-L. Luo*, Grafting doped manganite into nickel anode enables efficient anddurable energy conversions in biogas solid oxide fuel cells. App Catal B-Environ, 2017, 200, 174.
[31] B. Hua, N. Yan, M. Li, Y.-F. Sun, Y.-Q. Zhang, J. Li, T. Etsell, P. Sarkar, J.-L. Luo*, Anode-Engineered Protonic Ceramic Fuel Cell with Excellent Performance and Fuel Compatibility, Adv Mater, 2016, 28, 8922.
[32] B. Hua, M. Li, Y.-Q. Zhang, Y.-F. Sun, J.-L. Luo*, All-In-One Perovskite Catalyst: Smart Controls of Architecture and Composition toward Enhanced Oxygen/Hydrogen Evolution ReactionsAdv Energy Mater, 2017, 1700666
[33] B. Hua, Y.-Q. Zhang, N. Yan*, M. Li, Y.-F. Sun, J. Chen, J. Li, J.-L. Luo*, The Excellence of Both Worlds: Developing Effective Double Perovskite Oxide Catalyst of Oxygen Reduction Reaction for Room and Elevated Temperature Applications. Adv Funct Mater 2016, 26, 4106.
[34] B. Hua, N. Yan, M. Li, Y.-Q. Zhang, Y.-F. Sun, J. Li, T. Etsell, P. Sarkar, K. Chuang, J.-L. Luo*, Novel layered solid oxide fuel cells with multiple-twinned Ni0.8Co0.2 nanoparticles: the key to thermally independent CO2 utilization and power-chemical cogeneration. Energ Environ Sci, 2016, 9, 207.
[35] B. Hua, N.Yan, M.Li, Y.-F.Sun, J.Chen, Y.-Q.Zhang, J.Li, T.Etsell, P.Sarkar, J.-L.Luo*, Toward highly efficient in situ dry reforming of H2S contaminated methane in solid oxide fuel cells via incorporating a coke/sulfur resistant bimetallic catalyst layerJ. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 9098.
[36] B. Hua, M.Li, Y.-F.Sun, Y.-Q.Zhang, N.Yan, J.Chen, J.Li, T.Etsell, P.Sarkar, J.-L.Luo*, Biogas to syngas: flexible on-cell micro-reformer and NiSn bimetallic nanoparticle implanted solid oxide fuel cells for efficient energy conversionJ. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4, 4603.
[37] Y.-Q.Zhang, H.-B. Tao, J. Liu, Y.-F.Sun, J.Chen, B. Hua, T. Thundat, J.-L.Luo*,A rational design for enhanced oxygen reduction: Strongly coupled silver nanoparticles and engineered perovskite nanofibers. Nano Energy, 38 (2017) 392.
[38] Y.-Q. Zhang, J.-H. Li, Y.-F. Sun, B. Hua, J.-L.Luo*, Highly Active and Redox-Stable Ce-Doped LaSrCrFeO-Based Cathode Catalyst for CO2 SOECs. ACS Appl Mater Inter, 2016, 8, 6457.