研究方向: 核材料的制备、辐照与腐蚀
2023.12至今 厦门大学能源学院 副教授
2021.01-2023.12 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院 博士后/助理研究员
2014.09-2020.12 厦门大学 核工程与材料专业 博士
2010.09-2014.06 上海交通大学 材料科学与工程专业 学士
2)博士后基金特别资助(站前), ODS钢在超临界水中辐照加速应力腐蚀裂纹萌生的机理研究,主持
[1] Cong, S.; Gao, Y.; Liu, Z.*; Peng, W. S.; Zhang, Y. H.; Ma, L.; Zhou, Z. J.; Zhang L. F.; Guo, X. L.*, Role of Al addition and Y2O3 on the intergranular corrosion behavior of AFA-ODS steel in the supercritical water. Materials & Design 2022, 224, 111386.
[2] Guo, X. L.; Cong, S.(共一); Liu, Z.; Zhang L. F. *; Ma Z.D.D*; Zhou Z.J.; Song, M.; Yang, J.J., Irradiation accelerated corrosion of alumina-forming austenitic steels in supercritical CO2: the oxide scale formed within an individual grain or affected by grain boundary. Corrosion Science 2023, 221, 111207.
[3] Cong, S.; Li, Y.; Ran, G.*; Zhou, W.; Dong, S. G.; Feng, Q. J., High-temperature corrosion behavior of hot-pressed Al-based Gd2O3-W shielding materials used in spent fuel storage. Corrosion Science 2021, 179, 109166.
[4] Cong, S.; Ma, Z.D.D.; Liu, Z.; Duan, Z.G.; Zhou, Z.J.; Zhang, L.F.; Guo, X.L. *, On the role of Al/Nb in the SCC of AFA stainless steels in supercritical CO2. npj Materials Degradation, 2022, 56, 6.
[5] Cong, S.; Li, Y.; Ran, G.*; Zhou, W.**; Feng, Q. J., Microstructure and its effect on mechanical and thermal properties of Al-based Gd2O3 MMCs used as shielding materials in spent fuel storage. Ceramics International 2020, 46, (9), 12986-12995.
[6] Cong, S.; Ran, G.*; Li, Y.; Chen, Y., Ball-milling properties and sintering behavior of Al-based Gd2O3–W shielding materials used in spent-fuel storage. Powder Technology 2020, 369, 127-136.
[7] Cong, S.; Liu, Z.; Dang, Y.; Zhang, L.F.; Guo, X.L. *, Effects of cold work on the corrosion behavior of Alloy 800H exposed to aerated supercritical water. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2022, 559, 153408.
[8] Cong, S.; Ran, G.; Li, Y.; Dong, S. G.; Huang, X. Y., Early-stage corrosion behavior of Al-based Gd2O3–W shielding composites in a simulated spent fuel wet storage environment. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2021, 137, 103787.
[9] Liu, G.; Li, Y.; He, Z.; Chen, Y.; Cong, S.*; Chen Z.; Huang, X.; Zhang, R.; Ran, G*. Investigation of Microstructure and Nanoindentation Hardness of C(+) & He(+) Irradiated Nanocrystal SiC Coatings during Annealing and Corrosion. Materials, 2020, 13, 5567.
[10] Ma, Z.; Cong, S. (共一); Chen, H.; Liu, Z.; Dong, Y.; Tang, R.; Qiu, T.; Chen, Y.*; Guo, X.; Corrosion Behavior of Alumina-Forming Austenitic Steel in Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Conditions: Effects of Nb Content and Temperature. Materials, 2023, 16, 4081.
1)郭相龙,高阳,刘珠,丛烁,张乐福,梁田,耐超临界水/超临界二氧化碳腐蚀的含铝奥氏体不锈钢,2022.11, 中国,CN202111352049.X (授权)
2)冉广,丛烁,李奕鹏,黄闽江,陈旸,一种含钆钨元素的铝基复合材料及其应用,2019.08,中国,CN201910820961.X (公开)