研究方向: 智慧能源与能源安全、先进核能工程仿真、数智化仪控、智能故障预测与诊断
招收学术型博士、硕士“990100 先进能源--智慧能源与能源安全”、学术型硕士“0805J2 能源工程与技术(交叉学科)--核能工程”、专业硕士“085803核能工程”,欢迎核能工程、信息与自动控制、能源动力等专业的优秀毕业生报考。
副教授,博士生导师,厦门大学能源学院,2016.8 ~
助理教授,厦门大学,能源学院,2011.1至 2016.8
副主任,福建省核能工程技术研究中心,2019 ~
高级会员(Senior Member),电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE),2023 ~
特许工程师(CEng),英国工程技术学会(IET),2017 ~
编委,电气与电子工程师协会 IEEE Std 1012 标准工作组,2015~
1.Fang, J., Li, S., Wu, Y.*, He, M., & Xu, F. (2025). Research on an intelligent fault diagnosis method for nuclear power plants based on ETCN-SSA combined algorithm. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 213, 111138.
2.Beini, X., Jieling, W., Yichun, W.*, & Jiayan, F. (2024). System theory safety analysis of network malfunction in nuclear power plant distributed control systems. Kerntechnik, 89(4), 458-471.
3.Wang, L., Bu, Y., & Wu, Y. (2024). Multi-Scale Risk-Informed Comprehensive Assessment Methodology for Lithium-Ion Battery Energy Storage System. Sustainability, 16(20), 9046.
4.Wang, F., Wu, Y.*, Bu, Y., Pan, F., Chen, D., & Lin, Z. (2024). Fault Diagnosis of DCS SMPSs in Nuclear Power Plants Based on Machine Learning. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 49(5), 6903-6922.
5.Wang, L., & Wu, Y.* (2024). Verification and validation optimization method for signal quality bits in digital control system application software of nuclear power plant. Kerntechnik, 89(3), 301-315.
6.Wang, J., Xiong, B., Wu, Y.*, Bu, Y., Pei, Y., & Zheng, Y. (2024). Dynamic simulation of SMR steam turbine speed response in an isolated network mode of distributed energy resources microgrids. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 195, 110164.
7.汪凡雨, 吴一纯*, 卜扬, 林志强. 基于机器学习的核电厂DCS卡件故障诊断研究. 自动化仪表, 2023, 44(6):5-12.
8.Wang, F., Wu, Y.*, Bu, Y., Pan, F., Chen, D., & Lin, Z. (2024). Fault Diagnosis of DCS SMPSs in Nuclear Power Plants Based on Machine Learning. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 49(5), 6903-6922.
9.Bu, Y., Wu, Y.*, Li, X., & Pei, Y. (2023). Operational risk analysis of a containerized lithium-ion battery energy storage system based on STPA and fuzzy evaluation. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 176, 627-640.
10.Yang, J., Wu, Y.*, & Liu, X. (2023). Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Power Prediction Based on Ridge Regression and Convolutional Neural Network Data-Driven Model. Sustainability, 15(14), 11010.
11.Yiru, P., Yichun, W.*, Fanyu, W., Yong, X., Anhong, X., Jian, L., & Junyi, Z. (2022). Safety analysis of signal quality bits in nuclear power plant distributed control systems based on system-theoretic process analysis method. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 164, 219-227.
12.Wang, F., Cai, Y., Tang, H., Lin, Z., Pei, Y., & Wu, Y.* (2022). Prognostics of aluminum electrolytic capacitors based on chained-SVR and 1D-CNN ensemble learning. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 47(11), 13995-14012.
13.Lin, Z., Wang, L., Cai, Y., Wang, F., & Wu, Y.* (2022). Implementation of a built-in self-test for nuclear power plant FPGA-based safety-critical control systems. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 165, 108644.
14.Tang, H., Wu, Y.*, Cai, Y., Wang, F., Lin, Z., & Pei, Y. (2022). Design of power lithium battery management system based on digital twin. Journal of Energy Storage, 47, 103679.
15.Cui, J., Cai, Y., & Wu, Y.* (2021). Criticality analysis for safety-critical software in nuclear power plant distributed control system. Kerntechnik, 86(5), 343-352.
16.Tang, H., Wu, Y.*, Liu, S., & Zhang, J. (2021). The Research of the Reuse of Degraded Lithium-ion Batteries from Electric Vehicles in Energy Storage Systems for China. Engineering Letters, 29(4).
17.汪凡雨,吴一纯*,蔡源凤. 基于Chained-SVR的铝电解电容老化预测[J].电力电子技术, 2022, 56(2):62.
18.崔景博, 肖安洪, 何伟,吴一纯*. 核电厂安全级控制系统软件关键性分析[J]. 核电子学与探测技术, 2021, 41(1):6.
19.Cai, Y., Wu, Y.*, Zhou, J., Liu, M., & Zhang, Q. (2020). Quantitative software reliability assessment methodology based on Bayesian belief networks and statistical testing for safety-critical software. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 145, 107593.
20.Zhang, Z., Wang, C., Lin, L., Xu, M., Wu, Y.*, & Cao, L. (2020). Rectified Ion Transport in Ultra‐thin Membrane Governed by Outer Membrane Electric Double Layer. Chinese Journal of Chemistry, 38(12), 1757-1761.
21.周俊燚,吴一纯*,蔡源凤,施纯森. 安全级数字化系统软件测试用例生成方法研究.核电子学与探测技术.Vol.37,No.8,2017.
22.Wu, Y.*, Shui, X., Cai, Y., Zhou, J., Wu, Z., & Zheng, J. (2016). Development, verification and validation of an FPGA-based core heat removal protection system for a PWR. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 301, 311-319.
23.Wu, Y.*, Wang, L., Cai, Y., & Wu, C. (2015). Logarithmic derivative method and system for capacitance measurement. Review of Scientific Instruments, 86(8).
25.吴一纯,王灵芝,舒双宝.托卡马克程控积分器系统的研制.原子能科学技术.Vol.48, No.10, 2014. P1904-1908.
26.吴一纯, 季振山, 孙晓阳, 王灵芝, 王勇. EAST安全联锁监管系统设计.原子能科学技术. Vol.45, Issue 2, 2011. P250-256.
27.Wu, Y.*, Wang, L., Luo, J., Ji, Z., Sun, X., & Wang, Y. (2010). Upgrading of the EAST distributed synchronization and timing system. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 57(3), 1522-1527.
28.吴一纯,罗家融,季振山,王灵芝.基于SOPC技术的EAST定时与同步系统.核电子学与探测技术. Vol.30,Issue 5,2010.P537-541.
29.吴一纯, 王勇, 刘冬梅, 季振山, 罗家融. EAST托卡马克积分器系统的设计.原子能科学技术. Vol.43, Issue 12, 2009. P1133-1137.
30.吴一纯, 罗家融, 季振山, 孙晓阳, 晏晓东, 王华忠. EAST托卡马克分布式中央定时系统的实现.核技术. Vol.30. No.9, 2007. P789-792.
32.Ji, Z., Wu, Y., Sun, X., Li, S., Yang, F., Wang, Y., ... & Liu, L. (2010). East integrated control system. Fusion Engineering and Design, 85(3-4), 509-514.
33.Luo, J., Wu, Y., & Shu, Y. (2008). A distributed synchronization and timing system on the EAST Tokamak. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 55(4), 2294-2297.
34.崔景博, 吴一纯*, 蔡源凤, 肖安洪. 安全相关软件的关键性分析方法研究. 中国核动力院核反应堆系统设计技术重点实验室2019年学术年会, 成都. 2019.8.
35.金典,谢珊*,丁军,吴一纯. 基于ICA和SPRT的核电厂冗余传感器校准方法研究. 第五届中国(国际)核电仪控技术大会, 上海. 2019.6.
36.Shui, X., Wu, Y.*, Zhou, J., & Cai, Y. (2017, July). Component and Integration Test of an FPGA-Based PWR Protection Sub-System Using UVM. In International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (Vol. 57793, p. V001T04A016). American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
37.吴一纯, 吴志强, 胡剑全, 水璇璇, 郝俊伟, 蔡源凤.基于FPGA的一次冷却剂流量和ΔT保护系统开发及其验证与确认. 中国核动力院核反应堆系统设计技术重点实验室2015年学术年会, 成都. 2015.7.
38.胡剑全, 吴一纯, 李森, 左嘉旭. NRC针对基于FPGA核电仪控系统的评审观点.中国核动力院核反应堆系统设计技术重点实验室2014年学术年会, 成都. 2014.11.
1.吴一纯,蔡源凤,王灵芝,谢珊. 一种结合软件开发质量信息的软件可靠性定量评估方法. 发明专利号:ZL201910920661.9
2.吴一纯,周俊燚,蔡源凤,水璇璇,蔡岗全,郭姝玥. 一种基于概率风险评价的软件测试方法. 发明专利号:ZL201710173137.0
3.吴一纯,王灵芝,谢珊,蔡岗全,丁军. 一种核电站数字化仪控的混合现实系统和方法. 发明专利号:ZL201710845611.X
4.吴一纯,林鑫、唐佑宁、伍德宏、许泰琦. 一种适用于核电站核岛的室内定位方法、终端设备及存储介质. 发明专利号:ZL201711427897.6