







2018.8 - 今 厦门大学,能源学院,教授级高工

2010.6 - 2018.8 厦门大学,能源研究院(现能源学院),高级工程师

2009.4 – 2010.3 日本 京都大学,生存圈研究所,日本新能源产业技术综合开发机构(NEDO)特定研究员

2007.4 – 2009.3 日本 京都大学,生存圈研究所,日本学术振兴会(JSPS)特别研究员

2003.9 – 2007.1 清华大学,化学工程与技术专业,博士

2000.9 – 2003.6 天津商学院,发酵工程专业,硕士

1996.9 – 2000.6 河北工业大学,化学工程专业,学士


研究方向涉及木质纤维素生物质资源化利用、生物基材料、酶制剂、寡糖功能性食品等领域。近年来,作为主持人承担国家自然科学基金项目(21978249,21303142)、省自然科学基金项目(2012J05029)、省海洋高新产业发展专项项目(2014-25,2015-27)、厦门市海洋经济发展专项资金项目(14GZP59HJ29)、厦门大学校长基金、福建省重大专项子项目、横向项目等,总项目投资约600万元(含配套经费)。作为主要参加者,参与国家自然科学基金(31170067)、973项目(2010CB732201)、科技部国际科技合作重点项目(2009DFA60930) 、农业部948计划课题(2013-Z70)等国家级项目。


1. 厦门大学第八届高等教育教学成果二等奖(排名第1),2017年6月

2. 厦门大学2015年度“厦航奖教金”,2015年4月

3. 中国可再生能源学会生物质能专业委员会, 优秀论文二等奖,2016年10月

4. 厦门大学能源学院2015学度马来西亚分校能源技术专业,硕士点建设“优秀工作者”,2016年01月

5. 厦门大学能源学院马来西亚分校能源工程专业建设“优秀工作者”,2014年6月

6. 厦门大学能源学院2012-2013学年本科教学“特别贡献奖”,2013年7月

7. 厦门大学能源研究院2011-2012学年学科建设优秀工作者,2012年7月

8. 厦门大学能源研究院中国能源环境高峰论坛——海西峰会筹办“优秀奖”,2011年2月

9. 厦门大学能源学院研究生培养方案修订工作“优秀集体”成员,2014年6月

10. 厦门大学能源学院2015年度教学工作'优秀团队'成员,2016年1月

11. 厦门大学能源学院2016年度优秀团队成员,2017年1月

12. 清华大学2006年综合一等奖学金(东岳奖学金)

13. 清华大学2004年社会实践一等奖学金


1. 纤维素分子在跨相表界面体系中的定向催化转化机理研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号:21978249,2020年1月1日-2023月12月31日

2. 纤维素三相水解机理的研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,21303142, 2013.1-2016.12

3. 提取天然纤维素制造锂离子电池高效粘结剂的研究,福建省中青年教师教育科研项目,JT180002,2018年8月-2021年7月

4. 滩涂大米草制备低聚木糖保健品关键技术攻关,厦门市海洋经济发展专项资金项目14GZP59HJ29,2014.12-2017.11

5. 壳寡糖生产用酶产业化关键技术攻关,福建省海洋高新产业发展专项项目, 2015年6月1日-2018月5月30日,福建省海洋高新产业发展专项项目,2015-27号

6. 天然竹材制备锂电池用高性能粘合剂的研究, 厦门大学校长基金, 20720150090, 2015.1-2017.12

7. 滩涂大米草高值化综合利用关键技术与示范,福建省海洋高新产业发展专项项目, 2014年12月20日-2016月12月20日,2014-25号

8. 纳米银耐水洗抗菌复合材料的制备及性能研究,厦门大学校内项目,2014I2005,2016.9-2017.8

9. 木质纤维素双液相水解技术的开发与应用,福建省自然科学基金,2012J05029,2013.1-2015.12

10. 浓郁核桃谷物浓浆中污染菌的分离鉴定,横向项目,2014-11 至 2015-01


1. Yong Xue, Jiang Han, Yuyu Li, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan*, Minnan Long*. Promoting cellulase and hemicellulase production from Trichoderma orientalis EU7-22 by overexpression of transcription factors Xyr1 and Ace3. Bioresource Technology. doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2019.122355

2. Meng Li, Yuyu Li, Rusheng Xie, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan,* and Minnan Long*. Green Synthesis of Superior Molecular Fluorophores from Chitosan Assisted with Cellulase for Cell Nucleus Imaging and Photosensitive Printing. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8, 6323−6332

3. Sishi Long, Yunchao Feng, Yizheng Liu, Lingling Zheng, Lihui Gan, Jian Liu*, Xianhai Zeng*, Minnan Long,Renewable and robust biomass carbon aerogel derived from deep eutectic solvents modified cellulose nanofiber under a low carbonization temperature for oil-water separation. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 254: 117577

4. Jin Huang, Yong Xue, Jiang Han, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan*, Minnan Long. Recombinant Expression of Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenase and its Functional Characterization. Bioresources. 15(3): 7143-7158

5. Moshuqi Zhu, Hailun Jin, Tan Shao, Yuyu Li, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan*, Minnan Long*. Polysaccharide-based fast self-healing ion gel based on acylhydrazone and metal coordination bonds. Materials and Design. 2020,192: 108723 (封面论文)

6. Moshuqi Zhu, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan, Minnan Long*. Research progress in bio-based self-healing materials. European Polymer Journal. 2020, 129: 109651

7. Jiang Han, Yong Xue, Meng Li, Yuyu Li, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan*, Minnan Long, Effect of VIB Gene on Cellulase Production of Trichoderma orientalis EU7-22. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, doi.org/10.1007/s12010-020-03260-7

8. Sishi Long, Yunchao Feng, Faliang He, Shuaishuai He, Huachi Hong, Xuerui Yang, Lingling Zheng, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan*, Minnan Long. An ultralight, supercompressible, superhydrophobic and multifunctional carbon aerogel with a specially designed structure. Carbon. 158: 137-145

9. Lubing Yu, Jian Liu*, Shuaishuai He, Chaofan Huang, Zhengliang Gong*, Lihui Gan*,Minnan Long. N-doped rGO/C@Si composites using sustainable chitosan as the carbon source for lithium-ion batteries. Applied Surface Science. 2020, 501, 144136

10. Moshuqi Zhu, Lubing Yu, Shuaishuai He, Huachi Hong, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan,* and Minnan Long. Highly Efficient and Stable Cellulose-Based Ion Gel Polymer Electrolyte for Solid-State Supercapacitors. ACS Applied Energy Materials. 2019, 2 (8) , 5992-6001

11. Junhui Hu, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan* and Minnan Long, Surface-Modified Graphene Oxide-Based Cotton Fabric by Ion Implantation for Enhancing Antibacterial Activity, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2019, 7 (8) : 7686-7692

12. Lubing Yu, Jian Liu*, Shuaishuai He, Chaofan Huang, Lihui Gan*, Zhengliang Gong*, Minnan Long. A novel high-performance 3D polymer binder for silicon anode in lithiumion batteries. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2019, 135: 109-113

13. Meng Li, Jiang Han, Yong Xue, Yanfei Dai, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan*, Rusheng Xie, Minnan Long. Hydrogen peroxide pretreatment efficiently assisting enzymatic hydrolysis of chitosan at high concentration for chitooligosaccharides. Polymer Degradation and Stability. 2019, 164: 177-186

14. Yanfei Dai, Shuaishuai He, Lubing Yu, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan, Minnan Long*. One-step preparation of nitrogen-doped porous carbons with excellent properties for high-performance supercapacitors. Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids. 2019, 129: 122-127

15. Chaofan Huang, Lubing Yu, Shuaishuai He, Lihui Gan, Jian Liu*, Zhengliang Gong*, Minnan Long. Influence of molecular structure of Carboxymethyl Cellulose on High Performance Silicon Anode in Lithium-Ion Batteries. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 2019, 14: 4799 – 4811

16. Xinxin Wang, Jian Liu*, Zhengliang Gong, Chaofan Huang, Shuaishuai He, Lubing Yu, Lihui Gan, Minnan Long. Influence of degree of substitution of Carboxymethyl Cellulose on High Performance Silicon Anode in Lithium-Ion Batteries. ELECTROCHEMISTRY, 2018, 87(1):94-99

17. Moshuqi Zhu, Shuaishuai He, Yanfei Dai, Jiang Han, Lihui Gan, Jian Liu*, Minnan Long*. A Long-lasting Sustainable Self-healing Ion Gel with Triple-network by Trigger-free Dynamic Hydrogen Bonds and Ion bonds. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2018, 6 (12), 17087–17098

18. Dazhi Shen, Chaofan Huang, Lihui Gan, Jian Liu*, Zhengliang Gong*, MInnan Long*. Rational design of Si@SiO2/C composite using sustainable cellulose as carbon resource for anode in lithium-ion batteries. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2018, 10(9): 7946−7954

19. Dazhi Shen, Yanfei Dai, Jiang Han, Lihui Gan, Jian Liu*, Minnan Long*. A nanocellulose template strategy for the controllable synthesis of tungstencontaining mesoporous silica for ultra-deep oxidative desulfurization. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 332: 563-571

20. Fuchuan Liu, Yong Xue, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan, Minnan Long*. ACE3 as a Master Transcriptional Factor Regulates Cellulase and Xylanase Production in Trichoderma orientalis EU7-22. Bioresources, 2018, 13(3): 6790-6801

21. Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan, and Minnan Long, Enhancing lignin degradation by Mn2+ ion supplementation to assist enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose in a two-stage pretreatment of bamboo, International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, 2017, 10 (3), 175-184

22. Jiehua Hu, Huaiguo Huang, Hongzhen Xie, Lihui Gan, Jian Liu*, Minnan Long*, A scaled-up continuous process for biooxidation as pre-treatment of refractory pyrite-arsenopyrite gold-bearing concentrates. Biochemical Engineering Journal. 2017, 128, 228–234

23. Dazhi Shen, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan, Naizhong Huang, Minnan Long*, Green Synthesis of Fe3O4/Cellulose/Polyvinyl Alcohol Hybride Aerogel and Its Application for Dye Removal, Journal of Polymers and the Environment.2017, 26(6): 2234–2242

24. Hailong Li, Hongli Wu, Fengjiao Jiang, Jinlian Wu, Yong Xue, Lihui Gan, Jian Liu*, Minnan Long*, Heterologous Expression and Characterization of an Acidic GH11 Family Xylanase from Hypocrea orientalis, Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 2017, 184 (1) :1-11

25. Dazhi Shen, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan, Naizhong Huang and Minnan Long*, Controllable synthesis of mesoporous titanosilicates by nanocellulose template strategy for styrene oxidization, RSC Advances, 2017, 7, 19237 - 19242

26. Naizhong Huang, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan, Minnan Long*, Preparation of size-tunable SnS2 nanocrystals in situ adjusted by nanoporous graphitic carbon nitride in the process of hydrothermal synthesis with enhanced photocatalytic performance, Materials Letters, 2017, 195, 224-227

27. Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan, Hailong Li and Minnan Long, A Commentary on Development of Efficient Enzyme Cocktails for the Bioconversion of Hemicelluloses. Journal of Glycobiology, 2017, 6:1, doi:10.4172/2168-958X. 1000123

28. Hongli Wu, Hailong Li, Yong Xue, Gan Luo, Lihui Gan, Jian Liu*, Liuhao Mao, Minnan Long*, High efficiency co-production of ferulic acid and xylooligosaccharides from wheat bran by recombinant xylanase and feruloyl esterase, Biochemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 120, 41-48

29. Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan, and Minnan Long, Rapid Determination of Fungi Biomass in Solid state Fermentation by Characterization of water-Soluble Pigment, Journal of Biobased Materials and Bioenergy, 2016, 10(6), 410-414

30. Hongli Wu, Yong Xue, Hailong Li, Lihui Gan, Jian Liu* and Minnan Long*, Heterologous Expression of a New Acetyl Xylan Esterase from Aspergillus niger BE-2 and its Synergistic Action with Xylan-Degrading Enzymes in the Hydrolysis of Bamboo Biomass, Bioresources, 2017, 12(1),434-447

31. Jiajia Ding, Chengguo Li, Jian Liu*, Yuqing Lu, Guanghui Qin, Lihui Gan, Minnan Long*, Time and Energy-Efficient Homogeneous Transesterification of Cellulose under Mild Reaction Conditions, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2017, 157, 1785-1793

32. Guanghui Qin, Jian Liu*, Yong Xue, Jiajia Ding, Naizhong Huang, Lihui Gan, Minnan Long, Enhanced stability of antimicrobial bamboo fiber by launching ultra fine silver particles in SDS microemulsion system, Textile Research Journal, 2017, 87(20), 2505–2512

33. Jian Liu*, Chengguo Li, Lihui Gan and Minnan Long. Miscanthus as Cellulosic Biomass for Cellulose Acetate Production. Mod Appl Bioequiv Availab. 2017; 1(4): 555-568

34. Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan and Minnan Long, Commentary on the Development and Application of Chitosan in Immunochemistry, Immunochemistry & Immunopathology, 2017, 2: 125, DOI: 10.4172/2469-9756.1000125

35. N. Ali, Y. Xue, J. Liu*, L. Gan and M. Long*, Purification, characterization, gene cloning and sequencing of a new β-glucosidase from Aspergillus niger BE-2, Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology,2016, 52(5), 564–571

36. HailongLi, Yong Xue, Jinlian Wu, Hongli Wu,Guanghui Qin, Chengguo Li, Jiajia Ding, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan, Minnan Long*, Enzymatic hydrolysis of hemicelluloses from Miscanthus to monosaccharides or xylo-oligosaccharides by recombinant hemicellulases, Industrial Crops and Products, 2016, 79, 170–179

37. Nasir Ali, Zhang Ting, Hailong Li, Yong Xue, Lihui Gan, Jian Liu*, Minnan Long*, Heterogeneous Expression and Functional Characterization of Cellulose-Degrading Enzymes from Aspergillus niger for Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Alkali Pretreated Bamboo Biomass, Molecular Biotechnology, 2015,57:859-867

38. Hailong Li, Jinlian Wu, Fengjiao Jiang, Yong Xue, Jian Liu*, Lihui Gan, Nasir Ali, Minnan Long*. Functional expression and synergistic cooperation of xylan-degrading enzymes from Hypocrea orientalis and Aspergillus niger,Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology, 2015, 90 (11):2083-2091

39. Chuannan Long, ian Liu, Lihui Gan, Bin Zeng, Minnan Long, Optimization of Xylanase Production by Trichoderma orientalis Using Corn Cobs and Wheat Bran via Statistical Strategy, Waste and Biomass Valorization , 2017, DOI10.1007/s12649-017-0149-x

40. Chuannan Long, Yijin Cheng, Jingjing Cui, Jian Liu, Lihui Gan, Bin Zeng, Minnan Long*.  Enhancing Cellulase and Hemicellulase Production in Trichoderma orientalis EU7‑22 via Knockout of the creA. Molecular Biotechnology. DOI:10.1007/s12033-017-0046-3

41. Chuannan Long, Jingjing Cui, Hailong Li, ian Liu, Lihui Gan, Bin Zeng, Minnan Long*. Improvement in xylooligosaccharides production by knockout of the β-xyl1 gene in Trichoderma orientalis EU7-22. 3 Biotech (2018) 8: 26. DOI: 10.1007/s13205-017-1041-x

42. Hailong Li, Hongli Wu, Lian Xiong, Xuefang Chen, Can Wang, Gaoxiang Qi, Chao Huang, Haijun Guo, Mutan Luo, Jian Liu, Minnan Long, Xinde Chen*. The hydrolytic efficiency and synergistic action of recombinant xylan-degrading enzymes on xylan isolated from sugarcane bagasse. Carbohydrate Polymers, 175 (2017) 199–206

43. 王信心,刘健*,龚正良,甘礼惠,龙敏南,羧甲基纤维素-丁苯橡胶复合黏结剂在硅基锂离子电池中的应用,厦大学报(自然科学版),57(4),2018,26-31

44. 刘富川,薛勇,刘健,甘礼惠,龙敏南*,转录调控因子BglR的缺失对东方肉座菌纤维素酶表达的影响,厦大学报(自然科学版),57(4),2018,13-21

45. 谢茹胜,刘健,龙敏南,NREL法测定大米草原料组分的含量,井冈山大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 37(5)

46. 李成国,吴红丽,丁佳佳,刘健,甘礼惠,龙敏南,谢茹胜,高取代度芒草醋酸纤维素的制备及其表征,现代化工,2016,36(3),91-96

47. 吴红丽,薛 勇,刘健,甘礼惠,龙敏南,乙酰木聚糖酯酶研究进展,中国生物工程杂志,2016,36(3),102-110

48. 余小龙,刘健,甘礼惠,黎海龙,龙敏南, 竹屑制备高取代度羧甲基纤维素钠的优化及其表征,现代化工,2015, 35(8): 109-114

49. 吴金连,薛勇,黎海龙,刘健,甘礼惠,龙敏南, 东方肉座菌GH10家族木聚糖酶基因的克隆及生物信息学分析,生物学杂志,2015, 35(5): 1-10

50. 黎海龙,李成国,秦光辉,刘健,甘礼惠,谢茹胜,龙敏南,HPLC结合MALDI-TOF-MS分析木聚糖水解产物,林产化学工业,2015,35(5): 10-14

51. 吴金连,薛 勇,黎海龙,甘礼惠,刘健,龙敏南,半纤维素侧链降解酶——α-葡萄糖醛酸酶的研究进展,新能源进展,2014,2(5): 327-333

52. 卫瑾瑾,刘健,甘礼惠,龙敏南,竹木质素的 NaOH -乙醇水溶液热降解及产物,新能源进展,2014,2(4),254-259

53. 闫芸芸,刘健,甘礼惠,余小龙,龙敏南,Nasir Ali,能源植物斑茅在不同生长时期的产量与组分变化,热带植物学报,2014,35(12):1-7

54. Zhang Ting, Jinlian Wu, Nasir Ali, Jian Liu, Lihui Gan, and Minnan Long, High level expression of ß-glucosidase by recombinant Pichia pastoris through the one-phase fermentation based on cheap medium optimized by BPNN-GA, Journal of Bioprocess Engineering and Biorefinery, 2014, 3, 1-7

55. Hailong Li, Jian Liu, Jinlian Wu, Yong Xue, Lihui Gan, and Minnan Long, Comparative Analysis of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Miscanthus Xylan using Aspergillus niger, Hypocrea orientalis, and Trichoderma reesei Xylan-degrading Enzymes,Bioresources 2014,9(2), 2191-2202

56. 成奕瑾,张婷,黎海龙,龙传南,刘健,龙敏南,β-葡萄糖苷酶的异源表达及与纤维素酶协同酶解竹纤维,新能源进展,2013,1:(3), 230-235

57. Hailong Li, Chuannan Long, Juan Zhou, Jian Liu, Xiaobing Wu, Minnan Long, Rapid analysis of mono-saccharides and oligo-saccharides in hydrolysates of lignocellulosic biomass by HPLC.  Biotechnology Letters, 35(9):1405-9, 2013

58. Chuannan Long, Yijin Cheng, Lihui Gan, Jian Liu and Minnan Long, Identification of a Genomic Region Containing a Novel Promoter Resistant to Glucose Repression and Over-Expression of β-Glucosidase Gene in Hypocrea orientalis EU7-22, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 14(4), 8479-8490, 2013

59. 龙传南,蒋凤娇,邬小兵,刘健,龙敏南, 东方肉座菌EU7-22木聚糖酶和木糖苷酶基因克隆及生物信息学研究, 生物信息学, 2013 11(1), 58-64

60. 刘健,邬小兵,龙传南,蒋凤娇,龙敏南,白腐菌预处理甘蔗渣促进水解的研究,化工进展,31:104-107, 2012

61. Liping Bai, Xiaobing Wu, Lijing Jiang, Jian Liu, Minnan Long, Hydrogen production by over-expression of hydrogenase subunit in oxygen-tolerant Klebsiella oxytoca HP1.     International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,37(17):13227-13233, 2012

62. Xiaobing Wu, Liping Bai, Lijing Jiang, Jian Liu and Minnan Long, Enhanced photo-fermentative hydrogen production from different organic substrate using hupL inactivated Rhodopseudomonas palustris, African Journal of Microbiology Research, 6(25): 5362-5370, 2012

63. 刘健,龙敏南. 日本的纤维素乙醇工业,高科技与产业化,2: 120-122, 2011

64. 龙传南,成奕瑾,邬小兵,刘健,龙敏南,东方肉座菌EU7-22纤维素酶基因的克隆及序列分析,生物技术通报,11: 110-117, 2012

65. 张博,邬小兵,任德安,刘健,龙敏南,桉树木屑热裂解制生物油的研究,安徽农业科学,39(20): 12275-12277, 2011  

66. 倪恒旺 邬小兵 刘健,龙敏南,Cr2O3-TiO2吸附产酸克雷伯氏菌HP1氢酶的可见光光解水产氢研究,生物技术通报,12: 210-214, 2011

67. J. Liu, R. Takada, S. Karita, T. Watanabe, Y. Honda and T. Watanabe*. Microwave-assisted pretreatment of recalcitrant softwood in aqueous glycerol. Bioresource Technology. 101(23): 9355-9360, 2010

68. J. Liu, D.B. Li, J.C. Yang. Operating characteristics of solid-state fermentation bioreactor with air pressure pulsation, Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology, 2007, 43(2): 211~216

69. Jian Liu, Jichu Yang. Cellulase production by Trichoderma koningii AS3.4262 in solid state fermentation using lignocellulosic waste from the vinegar industry. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 2007, 45(4): 420~425

70. J. Liu, J.C. Yang Process calorimetry on solid-state fermentation of vinegar wastes in bioreactor with air pressure pulsation. Chem & Biochem Engineering Quarterly, 2006, 20(4), 449~455

71. LIU Jian, YANG Ji-chu. Fermentation Characteristics of Vinegar Residue and Some Natural Materials. Forestry studies in china. 2006, 8(3): 22~25

72. 刘健,李冬兵,杨基础. 压力脉冲固态发酵反应器测控系统设计,农业机械学报,2007,37(10): 99~103

73. 刘健,李冬兵,杨基础.Cx酶酶活力表征方法的改进,林产化学与工业, 2005,25(4):97~99

74. 刘健,杨基础,刘新建. 酿醋固态废弃物的循环利用. 食品与发酵工业. 2006,32(4): 12~14

75. 刘健,李冬兵,杨基础. 基于虚拟仪器的固态发酵反应器模糊逻辑控制系统. 烟台大学学报(自然科学与工程版). 2006,19 : 200~205

76. 刘健,陈庆森.冰核活性细菌Xanthomonas ampelina TS206的两种固定化方法的对比.食品与生物技术(原无锡轻工大学学报),2003,22(2):5~9

77. 陈庆森,刘健. 聚乙烯醇-海藻酸盐共固定化冰核活性细菌——黄单胞菌TS206 的研究.微生物学报, 2003,43(4):492~497

78. 刘健,陈庆森. 冰核活性细菌特有动力学初探. 食品科学,2002,23(5):21~25

79. 刘健,陈庆森. 海藻酸钙固定化对Xanthomonas campestris 206冰核活性的影响. 食品与发酵工业,2002,28(8):1~4

80. 刘健,陈庆森. 冰核活性细菌安全应用的研究进展. 食品科学,2002,23(9):158~160

81. 刘健,陈庆森,阎亚丽等. X. ampelina TS206发酵制备冰核活性蛋白的研究. 生物技术,2002,12(6):33~34

82. 宋丽萍,陈庆森,刘健,阎亚丽. 冰核活性细菌发酵生产冰核活性蛋白产物的研究进展. 食品与发酵工业,2003,29(6):92~95

83. 陈庆森,刘健,庞广昌,阎亚丽,高秀芝,一种高冰核活性助冻蛋白粉的制造方法,公开日2005年5月25日,CN 1618344A

84. 陈庆森,刘健,碘差量法测定抗坏血酸,CN 1435690A,公开日2003年8月13日

85. 陈庆森,宋丽萍,阎亚丽,刘健,一种促使冰核活性细菌高表达冰核活性蛋白的方法(第四发明人),公开日2004年9月22日,CN 1480536A

86. 陈庆森,高秀芝,阎亚丽,刘健,宋丽萍,魏国祥,一种从冰核活性细菌中分离纯化冰核活性蛋白的方法,公开日2004年3月10日,CN 1530446A

87. 刘健,龙敏南,甘礼惠,一种弱极性酸双液相催化纤维素水解制备葡萄糖的方法,ZL201410156496.1,授权公告日2015年10月14日

88. 刘健,龙敏南,甘礼惠,一种木二糖的气相色谱检测方法,ZL201410156499.5,授权公告日:2015年9月2日

89. 龙敏南,秦光辉,刘健,甘礼惠,一种负载纳米银抗菌纤维的制备方法,ZL2015109379569,授权公告日:2017年7月4日

90. 龙敏南,丁佳佳,刘健,甘礼惠,低温均相催化酯交换制备醋酸纤维素及纤维素混合酯的方法,ZL201510518673.0,授权公告日:2019年1月25日

91. 龙敏南,丁佳佳,刘健,甘礼惠,一种多糖分散液的制备方法,ZL201610592201.4,授权公告日:2019年03月15日

92. 龙敏南,黄耐忠,刘健,甘礼惠,一种二硫化锡纳米晶形貌和尺寸调控的方法,ZL201611101942.4,授权公告日:2018年12月25日

93. 龙敏南,黄耐忠,刘健,甘礼惠,一种氮化碳/二硫化锡量子点复合光催化剂的制备方法,ZL201611102093.4,授权公告日:2019年04月16日

94. 刘健,申大志,龙敏南,甘礼惠,一种用于锂离子电池硅碳负极材料的制备方法,ZL201711415495.4,授权公告日:2020年8月21日

95. 刘健,甘礼惠,王信心,龙敏南,一种应用粘合剂的锂离子电池负极的制备方法,ZL201810324451.9,授权公告日:2020年7月3日

96. 刘健,朱墨书棋,龙敏南,甘礼惠,一种纤维素基离子液体自修复凝胶的合成方法ZL2019102833135,授权公告日:2020年9月18日

97. 刘健,朱墨书棋,甘礼惠,龙敏南, 用于超级电容器的纤维素基离子凝胶电解质的制备方法,ZL2019103371063,授权公告日:2020年9月18日

98. 刘健,朱墨书棋,龙敏南,甘礼惠,一种多糖生物质基快速自修复凝胶的合成方法, ZL201911212647X,授权公告日:2020年8月4日

99. 刘健,李蒙,甘礼惠,龙敏南;一种基于壳寡糖美拉德反应的荧光材料,2019106620439,申请日:2019年7月22日
